Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Brainshark!

Hello guys!

I was introduced to a new, cool and brilliant website by my lecturer that allows us to have our own voice in the power point presentation. It is MyBrainshark! What is it actually? Well, it is a software for creating, sharing and tracking online and mobile video presentation. This is a good news for teachers because you can transform a static content such as a power point document into voice-enriched presentations that can be accessed any time.

And how this software can benefit both teachers and students? I should say that this is a new way for teachers to present their lesson if they were away and they can use this as a speaking activity. For example, students can be asked to make a power point document about their personal life, or even about a topic such as pollution and so on. After that, teachers can show them how to upload their presentation into MyBrainshark and add narration into their slides. It is like they are recording their presentation for others to listen to. Once they are happy and satisfy with their recordings, students can send them to teachers for assessment.

The descriptions below are some guidance on how to use this software. First of all, students need to register as users for FREE so that they can benefit the content. Just click on the 'Sign up for FREE' button to register.

Once you have registered, you can now upload your file by clicking on 'Upload Content' and it will appear as below:

Starting from this page onwards, there are clear instructions on how to narrate the presentation and I believe it is user-friendly. Students can record their voice for each slide and even re-record it if they don't like it. For more helps regarding this software, please have a look at these two videos:

There are a few advantages of this website, which are:
1. It is good for students to practice speaking skill. Their anxiety level can be reduced because there are no one watching them speaking and from my experience recording my own presentation, I didn't feel nervous!

2. The videos can be shared publicly or users can make the videos private. If it is available to public, then students get chance to be commented by people who view their presentation. It is a good way of improving their way of presentation and speaking skill.

3. It can become a communicative activity since students are required to narrate their presentation.

4. It is FREE!

The downsides of MyBrainshark are:
1. Users need to have sufficient equipment such as computers and microphone to record their presentation. It won't work out if users do not have any equipment at all!

2. We cannot download the file once we complete the narration, and it can only be seen online. It will become a problem if there is no internet connection at schools or even at home if teachers make it as a homework.

3. The speaking activity may not authentic since students can prepare their own script before hand and just read  and record the video.

Well, II guess that's all for the time being. Here is my short presentation about myself, as a prove that i had used this software. Enjoy!

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